Is Thailand Dangerous for Tourists?
Is Thailand a dangerous for Tourists? This is an important question when considering an overseas trip either on your own, with friends or family. Is it safe and what should I be aware of as far as dangers and cultural differences in Thailand.
There are normally 35/40 Million visitors to Thailand every year and for the most part most get home safe and sound with a smile on their faces and amazing memories to share with friends and family after experiencing all amazing Thailand has to offer.
The unfortunate truth is that their are some who do not make it home, but most often its not due to foul play, although this has reared its head over the years. The road accidents are a biggest issue in Thailand with often drunk happy go lucky tourists partying and getting on motor bikes and jet ski’s and the inevitable occurring.

Personal Perspective – Thailand Cultural Differences
Is Thailand dangerous for tourists well In my nearly 40 years of traveling to Thailand I have always felt very safe personally. I have never been threatened by anyone personally but I do know some that have been put in compromising situations because they did something dumb. In my early days visiting Thailand I traveled with a few rowdy friends and we all enjoyed partying on the weekends at 20 somethings often do! One of my learned friends was having a few beers in this small bar which also had other patrons enjoying the evening.
He Instantly felt the end of a 45 mm automatic pistol pressed against his temple! A very angry off duty policeman stared him right in the eye.
My friend put down the note slowly and was educated as to his nearly serious misdemeanor by the policeman. He apologized in his best Falung Thai to the policeman and never tried this again. He also bought the policeman beers till he went home. All ended well and I relay this story because many either don’t know or are ignore other cultural differences like it doesn’ t matter because they are tourists. They apply to you so take a few minutes and check out cultural differences before you travel to another country.
Cultural Lesson Learnt the HARD WAY!
More IMPORTANT Cultural Lessons
Its very important to understand that Thai people are very proud and revere their king. Late late king it has to be said was extremely so! He was an amazing man and his picture is/was on all Thai Baht notes. The Thai Baht is cheap for Australians with an exchange rate about 2.5:1 at the time. My friend thought it would be fun to lite a cigarette with a note! Just like the movies but he nearly made a fatal mistake in doing so!
Thailand’s Late King Rama IV is loved like a god. He was everything that made Thailand an amazing country. Rama IV devoted his whole life to the Thai People which lasted for his 90 years. Yes they worship the ground he walked upon. My friend pulled out a single 20 Baht note from his shirt pocket went to lite the cigarette.
Thailand has quite a number of pretty different cultural sensitivities that westerners would not immediately recognize as bad manners. These include showing the souls of your feet to someone. As an example you may be sitting down at a show and decide to relax and prop your feet up on the chair in front of you. You will be pointing the souls of your feet at the performers.
Very relaxing yes! In Thailand Super Bad Manners and when alcoholics concerned you may receive the wrath of the person or a friend. Remember this cultural thing goes both ways. Thais do not know cultural differences in western countries so both are innocently ignorant. When in Rome Know what the Romans do is the advice I would like you to take away from this story.
The Thai Greeting – The Wai
Thai people are modest to the extreme regarding how they dress and interact with the opposite sex in public. In the past just holding hands with a lady would get you married to her. Yes that’s all, just holding her hand. Thai cultural values are so so modest that they are very foreign to tourists and wholly misunderstood by them.
Is Thailand dangerous for tourists when your going out on trips even when its very hot and sticky please wear at least knee length shorts and a shirt with ladies wearing pants or a longer loose fitting dress if its hot. Places like temples are a popular part of any tour to Thai people and being respectful comes in by covering up the body for both men and women alike. Temples will normally have clothing to wear will give you if your not appropriately dressed. Its easier to come prepared.
The WAI is the Thai greeting from one person to another or even a 100,000 crowd of people in one beautiful stroke. The clasping of the hands just below your chin and a slight bow of your head is the most respectful thing you can do in Thailand when meeting someone.
Yes its a bit strange to a westerner but you will make friends and influence people if you take the time. I have been there and it was a little awkward in the beginning but its just beautiful the smile you get from Thais when you get it right is very worth it.
Your spoken greeting which accompanies this is ” Sawasdee Krup” for Males and “Sawasdee Kar” for Ladies. Take a minute to say it and again you will be met with smiles.
Visiting a Thai Temple or Home
The Three WAI Types
If your a tourist in Thailand When entering a Thai home or temple and even shops you may notice sandals at the steps. If you see this then take a moment and pop off your shoes before entering.
This is relevant to Thai street shop but not shopping centers generally but there are exceptions. Wearing shoes in someone’s house is disrespectful and wholly unacceptable.
Please avail yourself of some easily removable slip on shoes and life will be a breeze. (More on this to come in another post.)
There are three variations of the WAI depending on who you are greeting. The everyday Wai is below the Chin or high on the chest. This is your everyday WAI greeting in Thailand.
The second is where the tips of the fingers are just below the nose and a slight head tilt accompanies this. This is a very formal one used more business or meeting your future parents maybe or a Monk.
The third is raised to your forehead and we will never do this as its only directed to very holy Monks or Royal family in Ceremonies. You I suspect will never need it but you may see it in movies and cultural ceremonies.
What should I avoid in Thailand?
What should I avoid in Thailand is quite a long list but lets look at the essential items. It very much depends on who you are and what your planning to do in Thailand. The elephant in the room has got to be addressed.
The sex trade in Thailand has unfortunately made it famous. This is a very very small part of the Thailand tourist experience. It is a big focus for some in why they go to Thailand and for others for why they don’t go to Thailand. This is probably one of the areas that Thailand and any similar area in other countries can be dangerous. Please note if you don’t go looking for this industry you will likely not even know it exists. It is very localized in a few small areas in Thailand.
Soi Cowboy
These area like Soi Cowboy in Bangkok brings the more desperate people into the environment. People getting drinks spiked and robbed does happen on occasion. It happens everywhere but this area is higher chance of it occurring. The Lady Boys or Kathoey’s (transvestite) in Thailand are truly amazingly beautiful and for many tourists they don’t realize they are chatting with a man. They may look female and sound female but they still have the strength of a man and sometime tourists find this out to their determent. Just be careful!
In Thailand bar areas you need to be aware of your surroundings but alcohol gets in the way much of the time. Rowdy drunk westerners just looking for a good time can become the victims. There are tourist police in the area to assist you if you have a problem. In some areas you will find volunteer police which are actually westerners who assist the police. I have seen them in uniform and they try to deescalate problems if possible. Remember your a visitor and if you are the problem because of your actions the police will be the answer.
Deciding to skip a bar and not pay your tab will incur you the wrath of bar owners and police alike. When it comes to the ladies in these bars and generally iin your travels it remains true. DO NOT assuming you can touch and grab any ladies in bars and the vicinity of the bars. This is not the case so just be courteous and enjoy your stay. Keep your hands to yourself unless invited to do otherwise. Enjoy your stay. There is so much to see, do and experience outside the Bar areas, get aut and explore there too.
What are the dangers of Thailand?
The biggest danger to tourists in Thailand is not the bar scene but the roads. Unfortunately many tourists every year are killed on rented motorcycles often not wearing helmets or safety equipment. To many get involved in a car/bike/jet ski accidents and get hurt or worse. The road rules in Thailand are just like many countries so be aware of the give way rules. Give way to your RIGHT and everything bigger than you. Thailand maintains a general practice of motorbikes using the left shoulder of the road like a bike lane. Cars and trucks happily pass you if you stay there and don’ t move.
Tourists also die in boating accidents, scuba diving and other activities like para sailing. A recent famous incident is where a wife paid the operator not to tighten the harness on her husband correctly causing the man to drop 200Ft into the water to his death. All of this was caught on camera. There is also a chance of getting ill so its very important to ensure you have medical insurance and travel insurance when traveling overseas!
What should I avoid in Thailand?
Is Thailand a dangerous for Tourists and health considerations. Lets look at your health and what to consider in your stay in Thailand. Its highly recommended to drink either boiled or bottled water and keep some with you when traveling. Thailand can be very hot and sticky so dehydration is a real issue. There are a lot of 7/11 supermarkets around Thailand, so please ensure you should never are short of somewhere to get water and or any quick snack.
You can eat on the street markets safely or in the Thai markets which I also highly recommend. The food is amazing and inexpensive. What I DO recommend is to only eat foods that are cooked in front of you. The only time I have got sick was from a curry that was in a tray already prepared. Lesson learnt! Once in nearly 40 years. This advice has stood me well in the past years.
Don’t hire a bike or jet ski without getting insurance and know what the costs will be if you have an accident. These can be excessive so be aware. Its a lot of fun but be careful. Make sure you have a helmet and wear reasonable clothes. Accidents and the costs to the ski and bike could land you in jail if you cant pay for the repairs. They often want to hold your passport. I’d recommend not doing this and have copies of your passport available and use these. They only need to know who you are.
Thailand Road Rules and Practices
People of all ages ride bikes in Thailand. You will see young kids riding them in more rural settings. Kids going to school in the mornings are often riding bikes and many are to young for a license. You have insurance so its likely going to be your problem if something occurs. I have had a bump with a teen non licenced student in Chiang Rai some years back. They chose to undertake me at a popular parking area and she collected the corner of the car. She fell off and I thought it was going to be an issue. The police came and we were both interviewed and taken to the police station. My Thai was pretty good and I was quick to point out respectfully that I had indicated and she had tried to overtake when I was turning. I was believed and the unlicensed girl got a good lecture in front of me. This ended ok but it may not have. Don’t raise your voice with Thai officials no matter your anger. It will NOT help you. Calm quiet conversation WILL make the situation the best it can be.
Bikes are slowly being overtaken by cars as transport Thailand as it gets more affluent. You will still see a bike with mum, dad and all the kids all on one bike. I have seen SEVEN on a bike on a rainy day with them holding up an umbrella. Bike riding helmets is also a rare thing in the country as is people wearing seat belts in cars. If you see the front occupants wearing a seatbelt I am still sure the rear people wont be. Its a problem that frustrates me with my own Thai family. Your best defense is your eyes. You need to check every side road for anyone about to come and enter your road. They will and often right in front of you. Be careful and alert. Drink riders fail this test to their determent often. Thai people will have a few drinks anytime so this also can be an issue.
Thailand Road Accidents
Road and sea accidents are very common in Thailand. Road accident deaths in Thailand unfortunately are very high all over the country. Drunk tourists aren’t exempt from having a bad day!
It is common for Thais to drive drunk at any time of the day. I have found myself behind a car at 40 kph weaving all over the road at 7am in the morning on a country road. It is also worth noting it is often working in the fields have a few drinks at the end of a day. This makes the late afternoon a time to be extra cautious. They also don’t look often when entering a road. I see bikes with trailers ride out to the middle of the road to only turn back to the shoulder when exiting from a small rural farming road onto a tarmac one.
Thailand the 9th most dangerous country to die in around the world so be careful and note the other users and where they ride on bikes especially.
Conclusion – IS Thailand a Dangerous Place for tourists?
Is Thailand a dangerous for Tourists is really dependent on you. If your culturally aware and don’t drink and ride your probably going to be fine. Its upon you to be cautious when driving around the country. Please take the time to be more culturally aware. Customs are a great part to enjoy your trip to this beautiful country. It will enrich your experience and the interaction with Thai People who are lovely, warm and inviting.
On the health side, drink bottled water and wear seatbelts and helmets and keep aware of your surroundings and you will be safe and have a happy holiday.
3 responses to “Is Thailand DANGEROUS for TOURISTS? How to stay safe Guide!”
[…] culture is very different to Western culture. Woman in Thailand are so modest and beautiful it can be very frustrating. In personal relationships in Thailand […]
[…] about my Thailand experiences in the Thailand Blog Page with 37 years of traveling and living in Thailand I can offer a personal insight to Thai life and […]
[…] about my Thailand experiences in the Thailand Blog Page with 37 years of traveling and living in Thailand I can offer a personal insight to Thai life and […]