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Guitar Tutorials


Guitar Tutorials – Everyone Can Learn Guitar Now!

Guitar Tutorials

If your a budding guitarist and looking for help, then the guitar tutorials I am putting together will get you started efficiently to a good level.

I recommend just a little music theory so you understand the language used in music. Its really easy so take a minute to have a look and get the basics under your belt. 

Chords & Rythem

Learning some chords and rhythm to get you playing songs fast is the next logical step. Take your time in this lesson to get to know a few basic chords then start playing them slowly so they are clear sounding chords. Once you can play each individually work slowly on joining 2 chords together. Play one for 4 counts or beats then change to another. Don’t worry if it takes a little time to change chords. Everyone is the same starting out. 

If you are getting along with chords ok then find a simple song to play with just a few chords as well as a simple strumming pattern that remains consistent through the song. If your ready please jump over to the Knocking On Heavens Door tutorial and start playing your first song.

I am certainly no Slash as much as I want to be as you can see in the clip made some years ago, but the passion I hope you can see. There are a few other videos I may share with you on later pages as inspiration. If your ready then you will succeed and use all the tools at your disposal. YouTube has some amazing instructors waiting to share their knowledge. One of my favorites is StichMethod Guitar which is a great place to learn. I have learnt some great stuff from this top guitar teacher.

Let me start by helping you with some basic introduction to guitar and what makes up a guitar. The guitar is much more than the sum of its parts. Its your soul in your hands. When you pick up the right guitar it will speak to you. It will look great no doubt but even before that it will feel right. The weight will feel just like home. The balance of the guitar will say yes this one and when you put your hand around the neck you will smile with the satisfaction of knowing this is your soul mate in music.

Music theory for guitar can be as simple or complex as you desire. I wish to aim this at the beginner or intermediate player so I can answer the questions that sometimes took me years to find answers to. I want to make this journey as easy and enjoyable but give you the basics you need to get started playing guitar and enjoying it.

Guitar Chords for Beginners is your starting point as you get ready to play your first song. Once you have practiced your initial chords move on to the next phase and play Knocking on Heavens Door.

This can be your first song with some simple chords all laid out plus a rhythm guide plus the original video to play along with. Enjoy this can be your first great achievement. 

Wild Thing is a fantastic song originally written by the Troggs and also made famous by the Divinals here in Australia. This is still a pretty easy song but the G/A chord change may be a little challenging with normal chords. The bulk of the song is a lot of fun to play. 

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